23, 2025
Today: |
I would like to meet with all that want to |
be involved in our Acts 1:8 projects. |
Please meet in the fellowship hall at 4:15 today. |
Monday: |
Men's (8am) and Ladies (10am) prayer meeting. |
Wednesday: |
Children/Youth Meal served at 6:30 pm |
WHITE Grow team meeting at 6:30 pm |
Bible study for all ages at 7:00 p.m. |
Friday - Sunday, April 11- 13 Youth Connect |
event at Walnut Ridge 1st Baptist Church. |
April ? Acts 1:8 Serve local |
Saturday, April 5th | |
Monette Manor | |
669 HWY 139 | |
Monette, AR 72447 |